
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Clinique Interview

So I had my Clinique/Herbergers interview on Friday, I think it went pretty well.
I was pretty nervous because I don't have a lot of sales experience and having a passion for makeup isn't always going to make a sale. However, I think I would succeed in a sales environment.
The manager was really nice. She took me to her office then started the interview by watching a video to get a feel for the job. After the video she interviewed me, and asked a few questions I wasn't necessarily expecting. She asked me a lot of situation specific situations. Like "describe a situation with a difficult customer and how you handled it" "describe a time when you provided great customer service". Maybe I should have been prepared for those types of questions, but I've interviewed with plenty of jobs that haven't asked those. I even interviewed with a full service salon and they didn't ask me those kind of questions. Same with a marketing firm I worked with. So I guess I thought a department store interview would be about the same/ easier. WRONG. It was probably the most difficult interview I've had. And I've done a technical interview at a salon where a manager watches you perform services as the interview. That was way more laid back than this. So basically Clinique/Estee Lauder is going to do an over the phone interview with me they call Talent Plus. I'm pretty nervous for that, but I've been preparing.
So here's my overview of information about this job so far:
You get to work in a sales driven environment
You get paid training and advanced training from Clinique
You get gratis
You make base plus commission, the more you sell the more you make
You get to work with makeup and skincare
You get to perform makeovers on customers
You get a great discount throughout the entire department store
Very strict dress code- All black, shirt must be above collar bone, no jewelry except earrings that need to be smaller than the buttons on your jacket, natural hair and makeup. (I went into the beauty industry to have the freedom to do my hair/makeup how I like and wear my jewelry, etc...It's supposed to be less conservative)
The commission is very lousy. An experienced salesperson is expected to make an extra $2/hour from commission.
Wages start low as it is 7.50-8 dollars an hour (I was making more than that at Panera Bread)
Somewhat stressful job. You need to make and exceed your sales goals.

I'm just waiting for my phone interview from Talent Plus to hopefully get the ball rolling.
In other news, I'm starting to plan out my professional makeup kit. This is something I really want to pursue.
I would love to do editorial work, bridal work, fashion, runway, prom, special events, etc. So I really want to get my freelance career going, and I can't really do that without a kit! There's an agency in my area who works with freelance artists and gets us bridal gigs. I also plan to contact photographers to get my portfolio started since that is huge in this industry. And of course, searching for whatever gigs I can in my area!

Got a lot on my plate for now, wish me luck :)


  1. Hi Erin~

    I stumbled across your blog just by Googling "Clinique Facts and Interviews" and I love what you shared. I have an interview with a Clinique in Herberger's in about two weeks and I am so nervous!

    I am so happy you posted this because it helped me! (You probably never thought you'd get a random comment) But I just want to say THANK-YOU!

    Emily xx

    1. Oh, and also I should update this a bit. The Herbergers I work at is fairly relaxed. They aren't quite so particular about the dress code and the pay is more than I thought it would be. I make $8.50 and hours plus commission which can bump me up to $14 or more an hour on good days! Not a bad gig at all. Also once you get familiar with the products and are comfortable with the clients it all falls into place. For the interview be sure to have a full face of makeup and don't dress in revealing clothes! Otherwise just let your talent shine through. They will ask you specific questions (tell me about a time when you had a tough client. How did you handle it?) things like that. Just answer to the best of your ability, I stumbled a bit. So just be prepared! And obviously you are doing your research if you came across my blog ;) good luck babe! I know you'll do great.

  2. Awesome! If you have anymore questions feel free to ask me! I will always try my best to answer ;) good luck girl! I love it there.

  3. I know its been a year since you posted this blog but i was curious as to the questions they asked on the 3rd interview with the Clinique executive? I did the over the phone personality test and now i have a third and final phone interview in the morning with the Clinique executive and im kind of nervous about the questions. Like will they be focusing on my knowledge of the brand or asking more questions on my sales experience?

  4. the executive questions are a breeze! she really just wants to get to know your personality so just be energetic and expressive and tell her how excited you are to have the opprtunity to work for the number one beauty brand in the world!

  5. the executive questions are a breeze! she really just wants to get to know your personality so just be energetic and expressive and tell her how excited you are to have the opprtunity to work for the number one beauty brand in the world!

  6. I recently was hired as a beauty on call at Nordstroms and its $12 an hour plus 3% of sales! Yikes on the 7-8 an hour!

  7. yep i was recently promoted and moved to a bigger city and now make $13 plus 3% comission on personal sales and .5% on the whole counter.

  8. yep i was recently promoted and moved to a bigger city and now make $13 plus 3% comission on personal sales and .5% on the whole counter.
